Can you sync Cost Codes with Procore?

Learn about the different ways to sync your cost codes with Procore and maximize your productivity tracking.

Sync Cost Codes

To track your cost codes in SmartBarrel, you will need to import them from Procore. After you import the cost codes, you will be able to start assigning them to your workers' shifts. You can import cost codes from the work breakdown structure or financial budget of your project.

Project WBS

Importing from the work breakdown structure will import all of the active cost codes in your project from Procore. If your project has sub jobs, the sub job will be combined with the cost code in SmartBarrel using the format [sub job]-[cost code]. When the time is sent back to the timesheets, the sub job and cost code will both be assigned correctly in Procore.

Budget Codes

If the budgeted option is selected for the cost code sync, SmartBarrel will import the budget codes from your project’s financial budget in Procore. SmartBarrel will only import budget codes that are part of the timesheet’s default category. For example, if the default timseheet category is Labor, SmartBarrel will only import budget codes that are part of the Labor category. The cost code in SmartBarrel will follow the same format as the Budget Code from Procore. 

Additional Settings

Autosync: When “Auto Sync Cost Codes” is enabled, the cost code list on your project will sync once per hour. This is the easiest way to ensure you have the most current list of cost codes from Procore. 

Deactivate non-PROCORE cost codes: When this checkbox is enabled, cost codes that are not synced with procore will automatically be made inactive. This will prevent them from populating in the drop-down and being assigned to any workers. Cost codes that are not synced with Procore will not sync with the timesheets. We would recommend that you enable this setting if you are syncing both cost codes and timesheets with Procore.

How to Import Cost Codes

When your cost codes are ready to import, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the SmartBarrel dashboard and navigate to your project’s Procore integration settings
  2. Enable either the timesheet or timecard integration. This will activate the Sync Cost Code button on the project. 
  3. Navigate back to the project page. In the Procore banner above the timesheets, click the “Sync Cost Codes” button. Wait for the green success message. 
  4. Navigate to the cost codes page on your project and confirm the cost codes are imported correctly.
  5. Begin assigning cost codes to your worker's shifts. The cost codes will be sent with their time when the timesheets and timecards are synced to Procore.