Learn how to activate your integration with CMiC.
Connecting your SmartBarrel and CMIC account is very simple, here's what's required first.
Required Fields to establish the connection
- Endpoint*: {URL}1
- Access Code: {E-time Group Access Code}2
- Client ID: {Optional}
- User Name*: {user's username}3
- Password*: {user's password}
1For CMIC Cloud Hosted Account check link below for API Server URLs https://developers.cmicglobal.com/v1/docs/cloud-api-server-urls
2Access Code must be a group access code with E-Time admin privileges. This field is only required to sync with E-Time.
3User must have API service privileges enabled in CMiC.
⚠️Some hosting environments might require a slightly different setup. Feel free to contact your IT team or CMiC support for further assistance.
Additional (Optional) Integration Configuration
- Cost Code Categories - Add only the category codes for the cost codes that you would like to import to SmartBarrel. i.e. "L" and "TL" to only import Labor related cost codes.
⚠️ Keeping it Blank will import ALL cost codes. - SubJob Separator - You can decide to break down the Job From Subjob by separator.
To learn more about the SmartBarrel <> CMIC Integration you can visit the link below