CMIC Integration Setup

Learn how to activate your integration with CMiC.

Connecting your SmartBarrel and CMIC account is very simple, here's what's required first.

Required Fields to establish the connection

  1. Endpoint*: {URL}1
  2. Access Code: {E-time Group Access Code}2
  3. Client ID: {Optional}
  4. User Name*: {user's username}3
  5. Password*: {user's password}

1For CMIC Cloud Hosted Account check link below for API Server URLs

2Access Code must be a group access code with E-Time admin privileges. This field is only required to sync with E-Time. 

3User must have API service privileges enabled in CMiC.

⚠️Some hosting environments might require a slightly different setup. Feel free to contact your IT team or CMiC support for further assistance.

Additional (Optional) Integration Configuration

  • Cost Code Categories - Add only the category codes for the cost codes that you would like to import to SmartBarrel. i.e. "L" and "TL" to only import Labor related cost codes. 
    ⚠️ Keeping it Blank will import ALL cost codes. 
  • SubJob Separator - You can decide to break down the Job From Subjob by separator.

To learn more about the SmartBarrel <> CMIC Integration you can visit the link below