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Feature Highlights
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SmartBarrel Knowledge Base
SmartBarrel Dashboard
SmartBarrel Dashboard
Worker Profile Management
Project Settings
Timesheet Management
Worker Vs User
Crew Management
Company Settings
Device and Solar
Mobile App
Manage the Apps Settings
Using the App
Procore Integration
CMiC Integration
Vista Viewpoint
Feature Highlights
SmartBarrel Dashboard
Learn how to manage your workforce, your payroll, and your projects all from the SmartBarrel dashboard
How do I use the Broadcasting Tool?
Worker Profile Management
How do I edit a user profile?
How do I deactivate a worker's account?
How do I change my password?
How do I reset my password?
How do I remove a profile picture?
How do I reactivate a user account?
How do I filter/sort my Worker List?
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Project Settings
How do I set Rounding Rules and Break Time for my project?
How can I Automatically Apply Break Time?
How do I change a Project's Status?
How do I import project settings into a new project?
How do I set up SMS services for a project?
How do I add a contractor to my project?
How do I assign workers/managers to a crew?
How do I search for a worker on my project?
How Do I Create a Daily Log Schedule?
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Timesheet Management
How do I add a worker from the project timesheet?
How do I update or delete an incorrect punch?
How do I add a manual shift?
How do I split or merge punches on my timesheet?
How do I revert a rounded punch to the original punch time?
How do I filter timesheets?
How do I access Audit Logs?
How do I delete/restore a shift?
How do I bulk apply breaktime rules?
How do I bulk apply rounding rules?
How do I send an SMS message to workers on my timesheet?
How do I verify a worker's punch picture?
How do I create a PTO shift?
How do I migrate an existing shift to another project?
How do I approve/unapprove shifts?
How do I bulk add punch out to my timesheets?
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How do I bulk apply multiple Cost Codes to my timesheets?
How do I assign/split cost codes to my timesheet?
How do I disable and/or delete a cost code?
How do I bulk update the Cost Codes for open shifts?
How do I assign different locations to cost codes?
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Worker Vs User
How do I bulk upload workers?
How do I create a Worker?
How do I promote a Worker to a User?
How do I search for a user or worker?
Crew Management
How do I create a Crew?
What Reports Should I Run?
How do I format and export the Master Report?
Company Settings
How do I add/edit a reason to edit a punch?
How do I enable the auto-punch feature?