How do I update or delete an incorrect punch?

In this article, you will learn how to edit or remove any incorrect entries in timesheets, like missing punches or duplicate entries.

a) If the punch exists and needs to be modified.

Step 1. Find the worker shift in the timesheet.


Step 2. Update the punch as needed.

To modify the punch, click on the time entry. This will open a new box with an option to update time and add a reason for this change.

💡Quick Tip:

Select "Other" and manually type a comment if the reason is not listed.

b) If punch needs to be deleted.

Step 1. Hover over the punch until you see a trash bin 🗑️ icon, then click on it.


c) If there is a missing punch:

Step 1. Click on the box that belongs to the missing punch


Step 2. Add the information as required
