This guide will show you how to use the filter feature in your worker list from the workers page.
Things to Consider:
- This feature is available to all users with access to the Smart Barrel dashboard.
- The filter will exclusively display profiles that meet the criteria selected.
Step 1. Find the “Filter” button located next to the search field.
Step 2. Click on the icon and select one of the following options:
- Permissions: Filter users or workers based on their profile permissions.
- Profile Status: It will sort by active, inactive, or recently added profiles.
- Department: Select a department to view workers associated with a particular area within your company.
- Position: Filter profiles with specific roles in your company.
- Payroll: Apply to payroll information such as profiles with payroll ID.
- Payment Profiles: Filter by payment profiles, such as: No payment profiles.
- Profile Picture: Filter profiles to identify whether they have a picture or not.
- RFID: Search for workers or users with access to RFID fobs.
- Contact Information: Filter based on available contact information, such as email addresses.
- Devices and Integrations: Filter profiles based on whether they have mobile settings enabled or Kiosk.
Step 3. Click on "Apply".
The list will display only those profiles that match the selected criteria.
💡Quick Tip: To return to the original workers tab and remove any filters or selections that you have applied, simply click on the "Clear All" button.