How do I change a Project's Status?

This article will show you how to activate or deactivate a project from the project settings.

Things to Consider:

  • Only users with "Project Settings" permissions can update the project status.
  • Active Project means that it is visible in the dashboard.
  • Inactive Project indicates that it has been temporarily or permanently suspended.
    • Inactive projects will not be visible in the project's active list but can still be viewed in the inactive list.
    • Inactive projects will not be able to process any punches or allow any project edits.

Step 1. Filter the projects by status and select the project that you would like to set as either active or inactive.


Step 2. Select the project > Go to the right-side menu bar > Select “Project Settings”


Step 3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page > Change Status

  • To Deactivate Project > Click on "Deactivate" and Confirm

  • To Activate Project > Click on "Activate" and Confirm

