Can you Sync Workers with Procore?

Learn about the different ways to sync workers between SmartBarrel and Procore

Sync Workers


If preferred, customers can import their users into SmartBarrel where they would be created as workers. This option should only be selected when Procore is intended to be the source of truth for your worker directory. When syncing a user, SmartBarrel will take the following fields from Procore:


Procore Field 

(User Profile)


SmartBarrel Field (Worker Profile)


First Name

First Name


Last Name

Last Name





Cell Phone

Phone Number


“Is Employee Of ___” checkbox



Employee ID

Payroll ID





Once you’ve decided you want to sync your users to SmartBarrel, you can begin the process on the Procore integration settings page. Navigate to the hamburger menu in the upper right corner, click on it, and select users. 

When the Users page opens, the first thing you will see is the “User Sync Logs”. This log will populate a list of all manual and automatic syncs that have been completed by the integration. You can click download on any of the logs to see the results of the sync in a txt file. The results will show you which users were successfully synced and the error reasons for the workers that could not be synced

In the upper right corner of the page, you will see the following settings:

  • Sync Classifications: If this checkbox is enabled, the sync user process will create your procore classifications as positions in SmartBarrel. If a user has a classification assigned in Procore, that will be transferred to their profile’s position in SmartBarrel.
  • Autosync: When this toggle is enabled, users will automatically sync once per hour. This is the easiest way to keep your rosters up to date.

Now that you have selected your settings and preferences, you can begin syncing users by clicking the Sync button. This process may take some time depending on how many users you have in Procore. Once a user is synced, any updates made to their profile in Procore will be reflected in SmartBarrel after the next user sync. 


If a worker is not synced to a user in Procore, they will be created as a contact the first time they have a timesheet synced to Procore. Their contact will contain their full name and their payroll ID from SmartBarrel. When using the contact sync, SmartBarrel should be the source of truth for your worker directory.


If enabled, classifications will sync with the user profiles and be created in SmartBarrel. 

If user sync is disabled, you can assign positions to your workers in SmartBarrel. When their timesheets sync to Procore, their position will be created as a classification and added to their timecards.