This article will show you how to promote a worker to a user from the workers' page.
Things to consider before promoting a worker:
- Users access to the dashboard is limited to the User Type permission template and the custom profile permissions granted
- User permissions will be granted automatically upon saving
- "Workers" have no dashboard privileges available
Step 1. Navigate to the Workers Tab> Select the Worker to view the profile > Scroll down to the "User Permissions" section
Step 2. Open the drop-down list > Select the type of user (User/Admin/Project Manager/Project Admin/Restricted User)
Step 3. Review User permissions prepopulated template and assign additional custom profile permissions by adding additional checkboxes for desired permissions
User Templates Outline:
- Admin- Full Access to All functionalities
- Project Admin- Very Advanced (Power Project Manager) user with full control in the assigned projects
- Project Manager- Advanced user with administrative control in the assigned projects
- User- Limited access user with few write privileges available
- Restrictricted User- Very limited access user, read-only by default but can create workers at the project level
- Worker- No access to the dashboard, can punch in/ out on the SmartBarrel device or if assigned privileges on the mobile app
Step 4: > Save.
An invitation email will be delivered to the promoted user immediately.